Welcome to find support for water protection!
Welcome to finding information, examples and practical tips for water protection!
Tools for water protection is a web-based toolbox providing support for implementing water protection actions at local level. It is designed for professionals and experts who do concrete work, strategic planning or make decisions on water protection in cities, municipalities, companies, NGOs or other organisations. The Toolbox provides information and tools that assist with water protection. In addition to practical tips, tools and background information, in the Bank of Actions you can browse actions that local organisations have already implemented for the protection of local waters and the Baltic Sea – and you can also share your organisation’s own actions! This site was established in 2015 by the EU Life+ funded project CITYWATER, in collaboration with the Baltic Sea Challenge. The first tools are based on the results of the CITYWATER project. The site is now managed and updated by the Baltic Sea Challenge. More tools and actions are needed – please contact us and tell us about your ideas! Read more on page About us!
The Baltic Sea Challenge
Action at the local level is the key! Join the network and find ideas, examples, best practices and possibilities for collaboration.
Communication strategy
Find tips and guidelines on how to communicate the benefits of water protection efficiently to get your message through!
Cost-benefit analysis
Learn how the benefits of water protection can be assessed and compared to the costs of implementation!
Storm water solutions
Considering implementing sustainable storm water solutions? Read about solutions, tips and recommendations for practical work!
Find inspiration and ideas in water protection actions implemented by the Baltic Sea Challenge network.
Browse the Bank of Actions!
Awareness raising
Hazardous materials
Littering etc.
Oil spill prevention
Research and monitoring
Shipping and boating
Stormwater management
Strategies and programs
Wastewater management
Drainage basin