Implementing sustainable sewage sludge management






In the map below, you can find examples of water protection measures within this topic. These actions are picked from the Bank of Actions – if you are interested to browse other water protection actions, visit the Bank of Actions.


Awareness raising

Hazardous materials

Littering etc.

Oil spill prevention

Research and monitoring

Shipping and boating

Stormwater management

Strategies and programs

Wastewater management


Drainage basin

Centralising wastewater treatment in the Pori region

Actor: Pori Water, Jokilaakson Ympäristö Ltd   ●   Year: 2015   ●   Address: Luotsinmäki Pori, Finland

Waste water treatment was centralised in the Pori region to Luotsinmäki WWTP in 2008-2010. New transfer sewers were built from surrounding municipalities and the old Luotsinmäki WWTP was renovated. © Porin Vesi


Porin Vesi (Pori Water) a municipal water supply and sewage treatment company in the City of Pori. Porin Vesi conducts three waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) of which Luotsinmäki WWTP is the largest. In Luotsinmäki WWTP large renovations and expansions were made during 2008–2010.

At the same time, the surrounding municipalities of Harjavalta, Ulvila, Nakkila and Eura and fabric-producer Suominen Kuitukankaat Ltd, established a new company, Jokilaakson Ympäristö Ltd, to build up and manage a sewer line which connects sewerage networks of the mentioned partners to the new Luotsinmäki WWTP.

After finishing these two investments, municipal WWTPs of Harjavalta, Ulvila and Nakkila and the WWTP of the Suominen Kuitukankaat factory were shut down. Two other treatment plants - the municipal WWTP of the coastal municipality Luvia and the WWTP located in the Pihlava region of the City of Pori – were closed as well. The waste water treatment in the region was centralised to the Luotsinmäki WWTP via transfer sewers.


Due to centralising of waste water treatment to the renovated Luotsinmäki WWTP, the nitrogen and phosphorus load to the river Kokemäenjoki and the Baltic Sea was reduced by ca 127,500 kg N/y and 3,100 kg P/y. The relative reductions were 61 % and 69 % respectively. Depending on the scenario how the state of the Baltic Sea develops in the future, the annual social benefits from nutrient reductions to the sea are 2.6–25.6 M€/y. The net present value would then be between –41 M€ and 120 M€ (for an expected lifespan of 30 years). However, many positive local impacts e.g. impact on local waters, positive influence of the municipal collaboration or reduced traffic, noise and odours in the surroundings of the closed plants were not possible to measure and thus not included in the analysis.

Background information

The impacts and the net present value of this action were assessed in the cost-benefit analysis study conducted in the EU Life+ funded project CITYWATER. Further information of the study can be found from !

Further information

Guidelines & Recommendations

Guidelines & Recommendations



